80's Baby #058

ID: 1972914947 - 1 ed. - 13-6-2024


80'S BABY COLLECTION - #058 "MIZUKI" MIZUKI, about to start university, finds peace in coffee shops. Amidst the chaos of preparations, she cherishes quiet moments with her favorite brew, savoring the calm before the exciting journey ahead. + + + I was born in the 80's, and always feel very nostalgic whenever I think of that period of my life. Of course because I was a child, but also because I had the impression people were happier back then. In Japan, the economy was doing great. And everything, from music to anime, was so creative and refreshing. I decided to create a collection named "80's Baby" to pay homage to that era. Sometimes, I wish I was an adult in the 80's. Just to enjoy driving a car while listening to Japanese idols music. Size 3188 x 4500


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